Co-Verlag is the combination of the German word Verlag (publishing) and the English word Co (together, with another, jointly). We are an American and German artist team who chose Co-Verlag as our collaborating title after publishing a book in 2011 that documented our work together producing the art space; MMX Open Art Venue in Berlin, Germany. As a duo, we believe that Co-Verlag is not about traditional printed publishing but about publishing creative ideas, events, exhibitions, workshops, screenings, performances etc. Our primary interest is in making art accessible, interactive and approachable to the public.

Co Verlag Projects:

June & July 2019
Pop-Up Exhibition
Chatham, New York

January & February 2018
Sonic Shanty II
Art Shanty Projects
Lake Harriet, Minneapolis, MN

January & February 2016
Sonic Shanty I
Art Shanty Projects
White Bear Lake, Minnesota

September 2012 - February 2013
Linienstraße 142
10115 Berlin, Germany

April - June 2012
Various ~ Verschiedenes Exhibition
Torstraße 111
10119 Berlin, Germany